The Dunes
"The Dunes" is a captivating print that brings to life a tranquil beach scene, with sandy dunes adorned by grasses and wildflowers under a vast, blue sky. The soft pastel colors and detailed brushwork capture the serene beauty of coastal nature. Archival matting enhances its timeless charm, making it an ideal piece for beach lovers and coastal decor enthusiasts.
Lasting Memories: This 5x7 greeting card is printed on high-quality matte stock using pigmented inks to ensure long-lasting color stability. Each card comes with a matching envelope, carefully packaged in a sealed protective sleeve. As an added bonus, the card is designed to fit perfectly in a standard 5x7 picture frame, making it not just a thoughtful message but also a beautiful piece of art. This unique feature allows the recipient to enjoy a lasting keepsake that enhances any room with personal charm and cherished memories.
"The Dunes" is a captivating print that brings to life a tranquil beach scene, with sandy dunes adorned by grasses and wildflowers under a vast, blue sky. The soft pastel colors and detailed brushwork capture the serene beauty of coastal nature. Archival matting enhances its timeless charm, making it an ideal piece for beach lovers and coastal decor enthusiasts.
Lasting Memories: This 5x7 greeting card is printed on high-quality matte stock using pigmented inks to ensure long-lasting color stability. Each card comes with a matching envelope, carefully packaged in a sealed protective sleeve. As an added bonus, the card is designed to fit perfectly in a standard 5x7 picture frame, making it not just a thoughtful message but also a beautiful piece of art. This unique feature allows the recipient to enjoy a lasting keepsake that enhances any room with personal charm and cherished memories.
"The Dunes" is a captivating print that brings to life a tranquil beach scene, with sandy dunes adorned by grasses and wildflowers under a vast, blue sky. The soft pastel colors and detailed brushwork capture the serene beauty of coastal nature. Archival matting enhances its timeless charm, making it an ideal piece for beach lovers and coastal decor enthusiasts.
Lasting Memories: This 5x7 greeting card is printed on high-quality matte stock using pigmented inks to ensure long-lasting color stability. Each card comes with a matching envelope, carefully packaged in a sealed protective sleeve. As an added bonus, the card is designed to fit perfectly in a standard 5x7 picture frame, making it not just a thoughtful message but also a beautiful piece of art. This unique feature allows the recipient to enjoy a lasting keepsake that enhances any room with personal charm and cherished memories.
** Single card purchases are only available in the Lakes Region Art Gallery, 120 Laconia Rd {Tanger Outlets}, Tilton, NH 03276. If you want to select multiple designs of 5x7 greeting cards and still receive the discount, please email with your selection.